New EMT Training Program. Apply today >>>

Priority Area 1

Increase the pool of qualified, diverse health workers who complete health training and secure jobs to meet the regional demand in priority health professions.



  • Document and agree upon current and future priority health work force needs in medical care, behavioral health, public health and private industry. Develop a plan for ongoing monitoring and communication of changing needs.


  • Develop collective efforts to increase primary care provider capacity and streamline delivery models to include more integrated multidisciplinary teams. This would include strategies to increase primary care physicians and other allied health occupations to support community health.


  • Develop collective strategies for increasing the pool of workers in other top priority health professions and strengthening recruitment and retention in the region, including specialty RN’s, behavioral health providers and health managers as well as other allied health professions in demand on the inpatient, outpatient and community settings.


  • Establish and promote a clearinghouse of health jobs, internships and health career resources to increase hiring of qualified local candidates.


  • Build a regional health pathway system that provides linked, continuous support across educational levels, K-16 through health professions training programs, and into employment; with a priority emphasis on youth and residents from local communities.